What is new in Azure Elastic San | Blog Microsoft Azure

I am excited to share our recent Azure Elastic San-or Solutions for High Cloud Effectiveness.

I am excited to share our recent Azure Elastic San-or Solutions for High Cloud Effectiveness. Whether you are looking for a trouble-free migration of your envillment or looking for the design of existing workloads in the cloud, this offer of business class stands out by helping you to simplify the storage management experience and provide you with an optimal prine-performance ratio for your workload.

With a San -like hierarchy, you can provide storage resources and dynamically distribute these resources to meet the requirements of different workloads across databases such as SQL and Oracle, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDIS) and business applications. It supports many calculation options, included workload running on Azure VMware Solution, containerized applications (through Azure containers) and virtual machines. In addition, it brings the advantages of cloud levels with a scale on request, management of policy -based services, and cloud security across encryption and network access. It is a solution that combined efficiency in the extent of on-Pémises San Systems and the flexibility of the cloud.

Sale of general availability (GA) edition of Azure Elastic San In early 2024, we have introduced various new capacities that allow you to integrate more workloads, some of which I want to emphasize in this blog.

Increased resistance, scalabibility and simplicity to seize the workload of critical load

We released a public insight of car for capacity. Elastic San is the first cloud block that supports automation. This will help you save time by simplifying the Elastic SAN management, because you can set a principle to automate your capacity when you run out of storage rather than actively see how your storage reaches your limits. You can expand at automatic on request, so you need to provide additional storage just in case you help you reduce your monthly account. More, you will be able to set the accurate integration that will be your San (s) grim, so you will stay under the control of your total cost. It is a feature that fits well into our topic to improve easy storage management.

We also provided support for Elastic San images. Now you can immediately back up Point-in-Time in a state of workload using elastic SAN volume. You can export these volume images into administered disk images for hardening. Images can be either full or additional images of your data and you can restore your volumes from one of these images if you have to recover from the disaster.

In addition, we have allowed CRC protection to help you maintain the integrity of your data by providing the CRC32C checks. If permitted on the client’s side, the Elastic SAN supports verification of the inspection sum at the level of the bundle group. This causes a connection that does not have a CRC32C set to reject the header, for data transfer, to random printing errors drains communication or data storage.

All this is supported by our published SLA available 99.99%, which includes a critical workload of the Elastic San mission. This allows you to keep your peace of mind when operating these workloads.

Hosting SQL on virtual machines Azure (VMS) with elastic San

We have found beselves to ensure that SQL experience on elastic SAN has been fully verified and optimized for cost savings. We have verified that you can connect the Elastic San for your clouded workload like SQL FCI. This is particularly useful when it is paired with a ZRS (zone repository) because you can ensure a zonal redundant for your clusters of receipt of services in failure. In addition to helping with the consolidation of the storage and the workload in the Multi-SQL databases hosted on the elastic San, we build Elastic San in such a way that you can gain the necessary performance while improving the overall ownership costs with features such as dynamic performance. The performance you provide at the SAN level is shared in all SAN volumes you create, and because all your workload will not be a peak at the same time, you can ensure the overall top goal of all your workloads using this dynamic allocation of performance. This helps to reduce costs because there is no need to ensure your maximum performance targets.

Reduced Operation Operation (TCO) for Azure VMware with elastic San

Azure Elastic San is spare as a storage option for all Azure VMware Solution Sku, Including all new SKU64. Becuse Azure VMware Solution supports the connection of ISCSI data joints as persistent storage options, you can connect SAN elastic bundles to the Azure VMware Solution Cluster, and present them as VMFS data files (VMFS). Using VMFS Datastores supported Azure Elastic San, you can expand your storage using Azure deployed, fully managed and certified VMware network storage with more local storage nodes in the cluster. In addition, Elastic San is the only offer of Azure Block Storage with ZRS capacities that VMware customers can use. ZRS ensures high availability and resistance by saving three copies of each SAN in three different and physically insulated storage clusters across the Azure Azure areas available.

Customers who use the Azure VMware solutions in the case of disaster use or hosting capacity of a demanding workload can benefit from multiple cost and expandable storage solution. For example, you could build a cluster AVS as a secondary VMware website and replicate data to Elastic San while maintaining a minimum cluster track. For $ 0.06-0.08 per GIB per month (based on the current price in the Eastern US1), Azure Elastic San is the most effective possibility of storing GIB, while still offering scaling power for different cases of use – and can be deployed and connected directly from the Azure portal, making it an integrated and easy experience.

Labor load of cloud -rodová on elastic San

For customers who build their applications in the cloud, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is new. Azure Container Storage is the latest solution to Azure to simplify and offer comprehensive administration of persistent storage for status containers. One of the storage options that you can use via the Azure containers storage is available as an easy accessory to AKS cluster is the Elastic San. Azure container storage makes it possible to ensure that volumes (PVS) persist within one elastic SAN and share available performance in the same SAN across multiple PVs. Becuse Elastic San uses ISCSI to connect to AKS clusters, traditional VM -based limitation on the number of persistent volumes that you can connect to a knot are overcome and achieve new scale heights. Azure container storage can also be used with permitted ZRS, which increases resistance to your workload.

Traditional storage management for status containers meant providing Stources sources, PV deployment in your cluster and manual management of connection and scaling of the storage source with your cluster. With the Azure containers repository, the volume and coordination of your elastic San is fully administered for you through the AKS cluster. With the exit autoschalice on Elastic San, the storage management is even easier through the azure containers. By determining the automatic party policy, you do not have to work to limit capacity.

We start with Azure Elastic San

As always, there is even more. Our plan for the previous year includes an extension of elastics without the existing backup recovery and after the disaster, expanding our local red -educational storage (LRS) and Resources traces to new regions and help customers achieve even lower latency and higher performance. For now you can deploy an elastic sanlastic2 By observing the instructions on how to start or close our documentation and read more. If you have any questions or feedback, do not hesitate and address the PM team at azelasticsan-ex@microsoft.com and someone from our team will be happy to help you.

1On our price page you will find the most recent prices.

2 For a list of available regions, hand over our documentation.

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