Google announces digital signatures safe in KMS cloud

Google announced the development of digital signatures on Thursday (FIPS 204/FIPS 205) on Google Cloud Key Management Service (Cloud KMS) for software keys. This is available in the preview.

The search giant also provided its Post-Quantum strategy for Google Cloud Encryption products, included Cloud KMS and Cloud Hardware Security Module (Cloud HSM).

Installation concerns about the cryptographic system of the public key

This is meaningful, the company said because it is the safety of many of the most widely used cryptographic systems in the world, which has become more and more concerned because the experience with quantum computing is still proceeding. Large, cryptographically relevant quantum computers have the potential to break these algorithms.

However, post-quantum CryptoGRAPHY (PQC) can use existing hardware and software to alleviate these risks. In August 2024, new PQC standards from the National Institute for Standards and Technologies (NIST) were available, allowing technical vendors around the world to launch PQC migration.

“We are serious about Google after quantum computing risks,” wrote Jennifer Fernick, engineer of seniors, and Andrew Foster, engineering manager Cloud KMS, in the Google Cloud blog. “In 2016, we started testing PQC in Chrome, using PQC to protect the internal communication sense 2022, and have taken additional protective measures on a quantum computer in Google Chrome, Google data center servers, and an experiment between Chrome Desktop and Google (such as Gmail and Cloud Console).

Access Google to Cloud KMS for Quantum

Google Detaed Steps that Company is too much to create Google Cloud KMS Quantum-Safe to include:

  • Offering software and hardware support for standardized algorithms for quantum safe.
  • Support for migration routes for existing keys, protocols and workload of customers to accept PQC.
  • Basic basic Google infrastructure.
  • Analysis of security and performance of algorithms and PQC implementation.
  • Contractual technical comments on PQC advocacy in standard bodies and government organizations.

Availability of an open source

The KMS PQC Roadmap Google supports standard NIST Post-Quantum cryptography (FIPS 203, FIPS 204, FIPS 205 and Future Stands), which can help customers experience quantum key imports and keys, encryption and decryption operations and digital signature. Company.

The implementation of the software of these standards will be available to Cloud KMS customers as open source code software and sent within the Open-Source-Source BuringCrypto and Tink, Fernick and Foster Cryptographic Libraries.

Digital signatures for quantum-safe are now available in KMS cloud, so customers can use Google’s existing API to use data signing and verify signatures using nist-standardized cryptography for quantum safe with key peirus stored in KMS.

“This will unlock the basic work in testing and integrate these schemes to sign in existing workflows before wider adoption,” Fernick and Foster explained. “It can also help ensure that newly generated digital signatures are resistant to ATTACS future opponents who can access cryptographically relevant quantum computers.”

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