Get secure cloud storage in a 2TB lifetime schedule with interxtu for $ 104

Each company has certain files that are too important to lose. To protect against this option, safety experts usually recommend maintaining an online deposit. With Internxt cloud storage, you can use cloud storage without threatening your security.

This decentralized Open-Source Platform code, zero knowledge infrastructure and end-to-end encryption to make your files stand in private. What’s more, you can get a 2TB lifetime for just $ 103.99 with Code Storage20 via TechRepublic Academy. This agreement ends on 30 March.

Most cloud storage is centralized, which means that your data is stored on OWND servers. There are several of this setting.

First, many cloud storage providers regularly scan files on their servers. This means that your data is not newly private. Centralized storage is also vulnerable to cyber attacks.

How InterXT works

InterXt takes a different approach from centralized cloud storage providers. Because this platform is decentralized, your files are distributed in multiple storage system. This means it is almost impossible to take a white net.

In addition, InterXt Heawoy is focused on privacy. The platform runs on the Open-source code, which has been verified by one of the best European auditors, and recording files are protected by end-to-end encryption.

Equally important is that you will get all the features you would expect from the main cloud storage provider – including automatic backups, multiple platform support and secure file sharing.

Order today and get a 2TB lifetime prescription on the Intern CloudXT storage for just $ 103.99 with code 20; Normally it’s $ 999. Do not miss this limited time offered, which ends on 30 March.

Prices and availability may change.

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